Monday, 30 January 2017

Darkness; Light: two forces – often in combat with form and act being their weapons of persuaded deception. Reality is truth; truth is reality; form is truth; truth is form; reality is form; form is reality, governed by the greater Light. Nothing is hidden under it; nothing is new.
Of what claim is this? One point.
Being governed by super-generalities, the forms, also shells, where truth – even falsity seem hidden, with cells of actuality described, and presented optimally. From psychological realism – forming factuality of actuality, to actuality; from visible to psyche state, making – even exposing, for the express purpose of designing the universe, as it is, or ought to be is of ultimate value. Its sibling, being a “universe”, an instrument of discourse is of inexhaustive power – uniting supernaturals and subjects, in symmetric table of formal, even causal communion in exchange; binding cultures of varying instances as univariate; other instances as multivariate: splitting them off – leading to crises of different sorts, the structures of reality seem amoebic. Thus, the presence of peace is the absence of war; the absence of peace is the presence of war – all seem governed by greatness of its venom, toxic and poisonous, into the minds of living beings which either darken or lighten them – with dominant suggestive power to restrain. What a sun revealing the invisibilities of the beings! The effect upon its users is triggered by its caretakers – whatever it may be: nailing them on the cross; resurrecting them from silent death. Imagine the absence of these, but the first in existence: life, death, slumber, and sleep! The status of living beings, what and how would have been? Against it is hold the existence of its offsprings with varying forms of meaningless meaningful, with sovereignty to make alterations of different sorts, as decided by those concerned.
Explain the purport of your remark.
And it is said of Hitler refuting his minister veracity of propaganda, which possibly might have made, but mar into debris the systems planned to conquer the giants. Once again, corrupt darknesses of crowns are obvious, in the case of the giant black world, particularly. Once again, Romeo, it is said of his philos depth for Eve, which incur on him death. Correctly wrong. An instance of one X to be delegate for all symmetric X, and in this, the fulfillment of reality.
By what means is this known?
Of the many excellencies perceived in the order of this, Homer-Shakespeare is to be questioned, where lies the certainty of open secret – a vast empire of wisdom.
True to be skeptic. But of what power be the twin order?
Beyond doubt; beyond measure. Consider this: An hour of famine when two witches in communion – with one having a baby, dash into an inner-room, the baby cries. What may be the intention revolves nurturing the baby: let’s eat baby. She declares. With immediacy the other virtually consumes….This, the case is ruled by the court as just – acquitting the defendant, by virtue of her advocate’s evidence: “My lord, incidence as such is triggered by the proposition – having an effect on my client”. Instances of a content being used; mentioned; described by a form is of great effect upon target.
So what!
Still in doubt? The factuality of its kind is undeniable. A fool is you. You are an animal: a pig, a goat type. Death is an order for you.
(Furiously) what! What audacity have you to –
Peace! So, you partially test its venom. The stone – being what the builders refute has become the capstone of the structure, holding it; causing it to stumble. The one who can condemn the soul of thought, of conscience, even soul – holding them into regretful captivity, guilty, is to be feared, careful with, and not necessarily the producer – but on account of this, shall he be responsible for the committed act. Man! Know thyself; know thy form, select it or else the hideous excrement of thy form shall thou eat.
Hhu! For all things, it is the case of their boundaries.
The animal: serpent, replete of wisdom, is of slippery ideas. An idea, dressed in the form – being presented by a form, one of its kind, is hurled at, into an unseen form of weaker vessel – altering it. Far be it your portion in being dust. No! But be certain of being like the Light, said the serpent. Ism to ism, for ism is ism, to demonstrate the root of life: it was eaten. Thus, the genesis of world bizarre. Invisible agents, bound by One’s volition, have land pillars. Knowing this, such a serpent employs a form for actualizing its activities: Shatters the plans of Light – in brightening visible beings. The mind is corrupt, even polluted – tossed forth and back, breaking an order of peace, with concentration, even thought loosen by this. Saliently, alterations by converts seem inevitable – in declaring a sermon by watchman, in the order of an undying source. Light, perceiving the power of form, in uniting the thoughts of flesh as being one, the alternative is to confuse it. Thus, the birth of world views. Now, see its permanent state of existence.
Certainly true, may there be awareness of this?
Ignoratio is the users; ignoratio of the users.
Negligence! Negligence of forms lead to broken homes. Marital ones included. One denies and is being denied a benefit, at the use and mention of a form. True?
If so, therefore it is. The mind is known by the form. To those in Egypt, let’s grant them a defense to make claim, or disclaim of this – where life is shaped.
What is said is mystery. Here comes the evening star. It is high time we left.
Yerima Zakari
Department of English
UniJos, October, 2016
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